Announcing The AI Century: When Machines Get Smarter Than Us Our New Book for Business Thinkers

Irena Cronin and I have been working together for more than six months now, and we are both so happy with the way it has turned out that we became partners in Transformation Group last week.

Now, we are thrilled to share with you our plan to co-author ‘The AI Century: When Machines Get Smarter Than Us,’ a new book for business thinkers about this massively disruptive new technology.

It will be released in Q1 2019 and we hope it will serve as a guidebook for business thinkers trying to understand the fundamental and lasting impact that Artificial Intelligence will have on business and life for the next 75 years at least.

We will be self-publishing ‘AI Century’ and are seeking to raise money to cover the cost of researching, writing and publishing it through corporate and individual sponsorships.

We have written a sample Introduction entitled, “Michelle Obama’s Striptease, Slaughterbots & Curing Cancer,” which should give you a sense of the tone, content and point of the whole book. We also have written an Extended Table of Contents, which will serve as our writing roadmap, and finally, a one-page list of Sponsorship options.

We feel this is an important book. It is based on the passion that Irena and I share for the technological and cultural implications of machines destined to become smarter than those who created them. We see a better world coming, if certain dangers can be avoided.

This will be my 8th book in 13 years. Each time, I wrote a better book by developing a community around it, sharing early drafts of every chapter publicly, interviewing hundreds of people and constantly getting feedback from people more loyal to the readers than to the authors.

I hope you will join us for this long and exciting journey that we are embarking upon with this pre-announcement notification.

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